Well-balanced Massage & Bodywork

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Massage Therapy

Well-balanced is a Swedish-based treatment with blend of techniques such as myofascial release, trigger point therapy, lymphatic drainage, stretching, and joint mobilization. This treatment is customized to target not only the tissues that are experiencing pain, discomfort and/or decreased range of motion but it also aims to treat the root cause of the symptoms. Who can benefit from this typ... Read More

Well-balanced is a Swedish-based treatment with blend of techniques such as myofascial release, trigger point therapy, lymphatic drainage, stretching, and joint mobilization. This treatment is customized to target not only the tissues that are experiencing pain, discomfort and/or decreased range of motion but it also aims to treat the root cause of the symptoms.

Who can benefit from this type of treatment?
Anyone experiencing any of the following:

1. Repetitive strain injuries caused by computer work Examples: carpal tunnel syndrome, thoracic outlet syndrome, lumbago, etc. Sports injuries. Example: tennis elbow, rotator cuff tendinitis
2. Acute injuries – example: low back pain caused by lifting heavy objects, neck pain due to sleeping in a bad position
3. Post surgery – in order for our bodies to heal optimally we need fresh blood to get to the surgery site and for blood and other fluids to be able to drain from the area. Well balanced can encourage both those processes and help decrease edema and swelling.
4. Preventative – regular well-balanced treatments -once a month- will keep your body functioning optimally by resetting your nervous system to move from fight/flight/freeze -stress setting- to Rest/digest/heal setting. This treatment will ensure your joints are moving painlessly and smoothly as much as possible and help your tight muscles relax while getting underworked muscles to kick in. Last but not least well balanced treatments help with supply and drainage of blood and lymph to all areas of the body allowing your body to do the best it can so you can focus on living your best life.

Sahar graduated from ICT Kikkawa College, Canada, in 2016 as the recipient of the Clinical Excellence and Professionalism award. As facilitating healing is a passion of hers, she has taken further studies in bodywork to help her get a deeper understanding of the interconnected human body and techniques and methods that help achieve relief and promote healing. She strives to create a safe space for clients, especially LGBTQ+ folks and women – including Trans women and whoever experiences systemic oppression and misogyny.

Sahar graduated from ICT Kikkawa College, Canada, in 2016 as the recipient of the Clinical Excell... Read More

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